L. Alpert Mediations Empowering Comprehensive Solutions
L. Alpert MediationsEmpowering Comprehensive Solutions

Child/Spousal Support:

Life happens and circumstances change for better or worse. Texas courts allow for the payment of alimony/spousal support and child support from one party to another following a divorce or Suit Affecting Parent Child Relationship. However, either party can petition that the payments be modified or terminated under specific conditions demonstrating a substantial change in circumstances.

When a change is needed, the method you choose to resolve your dispute will drive the conversation and the ultimate outcome.

Factors to consider:

Money:  Determine whether it makes financial sense to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to litigate an adjustment to child support that amounts to hundreds of dollars.

Time:  In crisis-mode, time is of the essence. A litigated dispute takes time... lots of it. Mediation provides a more time-efficient method to resolve disputes.

Control:  Using Mediation will avoid the imposition of a court-determined decision, allow more flexibility to the terms of your modification, and provide you with the opportunity to exercise self-determination.

Benefits of Mediation in Child and Spousal Support Cases:

Mediation can be significantly less expensive than working through the courts.


Mediation can offer a solution more quickly than a trial. Mediation can be conducted in a week or two, whereas the entire trial process could take months or years.


Mediation can set the tone for your relationships going forward. Parties will still need to be able to communicate in some fashion.  Remember, you're setting an example for your child.

Contact Laura Alpert today to discuss if Mediation is right for you.

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L. Alpert Mediations

3131 Maple Ave, LB5D

Dallas, Texas  75201


1 972 207-90751 972 207-9075



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